So, a comment on my last post by Rosie that asked "if this is an art journal, then where's the journalling" set me thinking AGAIN about something I thought I had settled in my own head.....thanks Rosie!!!! It seems it is only just under the surface so the question I want to ask and have discussed is
What do you think?
While you think about it here's a page in it is........on just this subject!!
It's all make believe, isn't it?
10 hours ago
What a nonsense!!!! If your journal isn't an ART journal, I don't know what an art journal is. Love your ART sooooooooooo much, Sue!!!!
Haha nonsense !!!!
Your ART journal rock Sue. You are the journal queen for me and you inspire me again and again. Brilliant.
Agree 100% with Willy. Art journals can have meaning to the artist without them adding words or indeed any pointers for the casual viewer. Or they can just be a place to play - they record your artistic endeavours, ideas, favourite themes, colours etc.
You have a fantastic blog, with great art ! Adding you to my bloglist ;-) And, for the record, I never journal in my Art Journal LOL I cannot write and feel absolutely no desire to write ... But it is still my Art Journal. There are lots of ways to express your words, even without words !
I don't know...
you've set my mind ticking over now. This is probably my longest comment ever rofl...
I've always been put off "journalling" as such for the same reason that I don't scrapbook- and thats the writing down stuff.
When is a journal not a journal? When its a sketch book maybe?
Like you say, who sets the rules? Maybe its the American terminology creeping in which is dictating what is expected?
I googled 'what is an art journal' and found a site
where they seem to say an art journal IS when art work is added to words and thoughts pretty much like adding illustration/texture to a diary.
Who knows?
Does it matter?
I'd perhaps prefer to continue to call them "sketch books" I think if I were to start the line of work that is currently known as journalling- then I wouldn't feel oblidged to write on it at all :0)))
I dont do heart on your sleeve psycho analysis on a page lol...I just slap colour and images together, which people either like or don't.
I enjoy seeing peoples 'book pages'- most in the UK ARE without writing. We are not good as a nation at being open with our thoughts. Maybe its the British way of "journalling"...maybe the viewer needs to read more into the illustration to figure it out, whereas perhaps other nationalities feel the need to write down thoughts and experiences and are comfortable with that. a nut shell, I think its what you feel happy with. And in "art", as I always open up my intro chat in my workshops, there ARE NO RULES- its what YOU MAKE IT. There is NO RIGHT AND WRONG.
I enjoy your pages, and thats enough really for me.
I get asked this all the time, but seen as I just make it all up as I go along I never have an answer for them. But if I was to put my educator hat on...nobody ever said there had to be writing in it. The book itself is the JOURNAL...and in it you are just keeping a record of occurences, experiences, and our case in an artistic way. Now thats sorted I'm off to lick a peel off. missee muchly babe xx
Just wanted to say I enjoy looking at your blog even though haven`t commented up til now. A art journal is something personal to you surely, so its whatever you want it to be. Words or no words its still art x Lavinia
As you know I've pondered on this subject and come to the conclusion it's whatever you want it to be..It's your book, you make the rules...
is there such a thing as 'The Journal Police?'.. better watch out!
I'm with them - surely an art journal is a journal for ART whether you write in it or not!! Love these pages, BTW. I always read yur posts, even if I don;t always have time to write a comment.
Your Art journals are wonderful and let no one make you question your creative expression! Hugs anesha
I love looking at your Art work Sue and thats what it is 'ART' but in a book or whatever you want to call it.
Ive been totally put off by Art Journalling purely because of the writing bit...I personally dont 'get it' and dont really want to open a whole bag of emotional worms for all to see....obviously thats just how I see it.
Like others have said, its up to you what you want to do and dont let anyone dictate otherwise.
jour·nal (jûrnl)
a. A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis.
It doesn't say anything about having to include writing.
Personally I'll use words when I think they'll add to the page, but with my writing that's not very often LOL.
Next thing you know, somebody will be asking next if it's Art or Craft.
Ooooops, who opened that can, now there's worms everywhere ;)
As far as I'm concerened you are recording your art work in journal style... wonderful! It belongs to you so whatever you want goes!
tc Sue xx
love your page. what a great question you asked. to me a journal is just a place to keep a record of what you think and feel. who says a written word is the only way to express that.
I think this is one of the loveliest pages I have seen in a while ... as for writing ... no writing ... I think it is for the owner of the journal to decide!
now I think of an art journal as a record of your journey of discovering art and words are sometimes not neccesary as the saying goes "a picture paints a 1000 words" .. . love your work and art should have no rules x
Words, no words, it's your choice. For me, my journal is expression - kind of creative groanings from within I guess what I'm saying is just be free and art whatever you want Sue :) x
your journal is exactly that yours...... the pictures are the words, or anything else you care to put in it. It begs the question then... what is art? You rock Sue, just keep doing your 'thang'. hugs Olive xxx
Let the ART do your speaking and be your words. An art journal can be a demonstration of a thought, a feeling, or whatever you want it to be. It does not have to contain a single word, if that is the choice. My ART Journal classes are filled with those who don't wish to write their thoughts, but prefer to express themselves through the ART process. Carry on - your journals are LOVELY!
I don't find it necessary that an art journal contains written words. I don't feel the need to write either. For me it's just important that it depicts things that you like (or don't like for that matter) or that preoccupy you. You can make statements just using stamps or collage. It's also a great way to try out new techniques or colour schemes and to explore the themes and use the stamps you like. Your journal pages, even without words, tell us a lot about you, so you can definitely speak of an art journal.
starting controversy again Sue? lol. I suppose the word journal conjures up the idea of words being involved, but I think it's become something broader than that. I do agree with Jo that the British are not good at sharing their innermost thoughts. I know it makes me cringe but to be honest who cares and if they do, then that's their problem.
Words are not always necessary in a good relationship and you clearly have a very good relationship with your journals. Your journals are brilliant with or without words.
Its definately an ART journal Sue !!
Blimey, lots of comments!
I was also told recently that my journal isn't a "proper" art journal as I use my own photos too much and write mainly factual rather than emotional stuff. You are "just a scrapbooker" the lady told me, I think I was supposed to be horribly offended, it didn't work :)
I think our Rosie's point about the writing is quite widely shared, lots of people on the art journalling scene, for want of a better word, seem to be very into the writing bit. But personally, to me, the word journal just means little book. so if you have a little book and you make art in it, that's an art journal as far as I am concerned.
I think I am more hung up on the word art than the word journal, I still would consider myself a crafter not an artist (artist sounds so pretentious to me!) what point does one become the other?
Thanks for starting such an interesting debate.....
That is such an interesting question and have enjoyed reading all the answers. I guess its Your Art Journal and you can do whatever you like. Personally I like to write my thoughts all down and then paint over them as they are personal to me and not for anyone else to see; a bit like hiding your diary. Annette x
Wow, well,I agree with the folk here, ART in a journal is an Art Journal! You are not a writer as such or you would be writing books (oh you did, well you know what I mean) but you are an 'ARTist' and your expression is in your ART. As somebody famous once said - a picture paints a thousand keep doing what you do, you do it very well x
Ok, in my opinion, you make art in a journal. Whatever you put in it is up to you and bugger everyone elses opinions.
If you want to write stuff, do it or if you just want to put a funny saying or phrase do that too.
I do both depending how I feel at the time.
Whatever, I love your art, words or not xx
Art or Crafting is subjective and comes in all forms!!!
Where journaling is concerned I struggled with journals until i was advised that you don't have to write in them at all! If the words help me to remember why the page were created then i would them.
Your Blog and journal pages are all ART, totally inspirational ART!!!
Great debate here Sue and love how Nigel has used your blog debate for his inspiration, his link brought me here and glad i followed it.
Take Care:-)
I don´t think you have to write in it unless you feel the need to do that. There´s a difference between an art journal and a diary.
Your pages are brilliant and I just wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed visiting your blog today. You have a real eye for art and I have loved every minute of the time spent looking through all your pictures.
Have a wonderfrul upcoming wekend!
Gaby xo
Hi Sue
Finally got to read all of this.
My view:
Basically a journal is a record.
The auther and artist put into it whatever is in their head and it matters not a jot if words appear or not. Like Netty, who feels the words are too personal to show , or the lady who puts in photographs it is a very individual form of recording and Carol, I think, said there are no rules.
That is the kernal of the nut ...there just are no rules.
Wendy said that pictures speak volumes and that is so true.
So bacically words are unnecessary unless they just spill out naturally on to the page.
A journal is a place to go when you don't know where you are at. It is a place to go to when you are reday paint or draw or stamp or like me, stick things in.
Sue x
That shoul be kernel, not kernal.
I think the whole joy of an art journal is that you do whatever you like in it, you can express yourself in words or images according to your own personal preference, you seem to be expressing yourself beautifully from what I have seen!
I think each and every one of us can make our own decision on what an "Art Journal" is. If you prefer to just paint, stamp and decorate your pages, then that's your Art Journaling style. If you are someone who likes to write a bunch in it, then that's your style. The greatest thing about all of this mixed media artwork that we all make, is that it is all different based on how we personally interpret it. Wouldn't it be boring if we all did the same things? And I agree totally with what Willy said.
I thought an art journal is a visual diary. Who is to decide what comes in it but you. Wether you express yourself with images or words does not matter. As long as you are having fun with it. Your art is extremely eye pleasing to me, I love it. I like how you do your own thing away from the beaten path.
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