It seems I can still access blogger today so thought I would share some more pics with you, this time of a back stage tour of the opera house. It was all very interesting but the costume storage rooms were fabulous, a little girls dressing- up paradise!
Tu-tu anyone??
Cossack hats?
Ballet shoes waiting to have the wooden bits put in the toes.
Wooden shoe lasts...........I would have loved a couple of those to alter!
Large set storage.
Could not resist taking this know how most of us work with sheets of paper or a pad underneath our work and it collects all the extra ink/paint etc that strays over the sides of the card? Well it seems they do the same in the theatre! This room is where the sets are painted and the whole floor was covered in huge sheets of paper with lots of evidence of recent work!
It's all make believe, isn't it?
10 hours ago
What a fascinating tour. I bet the UK theatres don't allow that sort of access.
Love that floor, what great colours!
Terrific pictures and dialogue, great experience and expect you came away with some fab ideas. Enjoy your weekend. Annette
What a nice peek this was thanx hun
Love DAwn xx
My God that set is definately a serendipity background - 10,000 ATC's !! :-)
Ohhh very Phantom of the Opera looking place.......did you nick a bit of the floor papers.......?? I would have been so tempted to just rip a bit off quick LOL
this is just amazing! xxD
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